In the Ambient Assisted Living context, the need for a new design of a system/equipment that would allow the support of informal caregivers of bedridden patients who would require continuous or even palliative medical care motivated this project.
The new system should allow bedridden patients greater autonomy, comfort, and safety in home care. Different biomedical and environmental sensors will allow the collection of variable measured data regarding quality-of-life-related parameters.
The AR graphical interface between the user, the patient, and the biomedical sensor kit will inform the order and priority of the different tasks of collecting the readings, indicating how and when to perform them, according to the previous diagnosis, the most recent data from
prior data collections and the remote indications from medical assistance personnel.
prior data collections and the remote indications from medical assistance personnel.
The patient's online monitoring profile database will store the collected data, which will have different levels of remote web access regarding the type of the stored information, allowing its management, analysis, and screening by specialized medical personnel and relatives/caregivers.
It would be possible for the system to enable the primary caregiver to request real-time assistance from a specialist through sound and image to obtain information about the patient's condition and to receive advice on the procedures to follow on-site.
One of the inherent aspects of the project is the pursuit of greater integration of intangible solutions, leveraging current wireless and miniaturization technologies.